Shiraz , Iran

Shiraz is one of the important cities of Iran and the capital of Fars province is located in the south of the country. This city with a very old history and rich culture is also known as the gate of the Qur’an and Dar al-Mulk. Throughout history, Shiraz has hosted the art and literature culture of Iran and since It is known as an important cultural center

Some of the important attractions of Shiraz are:

Pasargad: an ancient place that was the burial place of the Achaemenid dynasty. Iranshahr campus: a cultural area with gardens and museums dedicated to the history and culture of Iran. Nasir al-Mulk Mosque: one of the historical mosques of the city with beautiful architecture. Vakil Bazaar: a famous market with shops and handicraft workshops. Hafiziyah: a tomb and museum that is famous for saying goodbye to Hafez, a famous Iranian poet.

Shiraz is also famous as the center of production and export of grapes and local sweets. The city’s mild climate and its hospitable people are other attractive features of this city.